There are so many good causes today that need funds to be able to effect a positive change in the community. However, only few of these causes get the attention and the help they need because they have not realized the online fundraising resources available to them. On-line fundraising for a cause is possible through various charitable websites which allow individuals and groups to set up campaigns for their causes. Fundraising online trumps traditional methods of raising money in the following ways:
Online funding is open and accessible to all
Anyone can set up a campaign for funding online, thanks to the introduction of platforms such as zeffy fundraising software, which is easy to navigate and free to use, removing barriers to entry for budding volunteers. You can raise money for anything including healthcare, education and eradicating hunger and poverty among other causes. How you present your cause is what will determine its merit to the people you expect to help you raise the funds, the donors. Online funding websites are global platforms that anyone can use to raise as much money as they need.
Start immediately
Since there is no application process, you can start raising money as soon as you need it. The logistics involved in setting up traditional fundraisers often led to delays. This was a huge problem especially when raising money for emergencies. With on-line fundraising platforms, you can start receiving donations as soon as the same day you set up the campaign.
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It is affordable
You are trying to raise money not spend it. Printing media for fundraisers such as fliers and brochures, and advertising in the local dailies and magazines can be quite costly. Depending on the audience you want to reach, it can cost you thousands of pounds trying to raise money. Online fundraising campaigns have a wider scope of reach and are much more affordable, if not completely free. You can raise as much money as you need without denting into your funds for logistics costs.
Quick implementation
Online campaigns take only a matter of hours to find out whether the campaign is going to be a success or whether you need to change your approach. The response for online audiences is usually quite fast. Unlike traditional fundraising campaigns such as direct mail, which would take weeks to tell, you can tell whether your online campaign is going to be a success within 48 hours.
Global exposure
When raising money, every single penny counts. Some people will donate thousands of pounds and others will give as little as a pound, however all of it put together makes a huge lump sum that is very useful to the cause. Online fundraising gives you global exposure, getting a single penny from the millions of audiences around the world can be a huge boost to your fundraising campaign. You can use social media platforms to share information about the cause and the fundraiser to encourage people to donate from any location.
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Flexible on-line payments
You can offer donors various payment options to choose from depending on what they are comfortable with. From on-line credit card processors to wire transfers and PayPal, you have plenty of options through which to receive the donations.